Alabama Public Television - Professional Development

Professional Development Courses

Use the options to help narrow down your choices of workshops, facilitated courses, and special development events.

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect in Early Child Care - CCDF 11

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect in Early Child Care - CCDF 11

This 2-hour course examines the roles and responsibilities of child care providers in recognizing, reporting, and responding to child abuse and neglect within the early child care setting.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator


The Incredible Developing Brain in Early Childhood – CCDF 17

The Incredible Developing Brain in Early Childhood – CCDF 17

This 2-hour on-demand course reinforces what research has taught us about brain development, as well as presenting the latest information about the crucial role the early childhood caregiver plays in helping to build and shape a young child's brain.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator

SubjectsChild Development


Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect in Early Child Care

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect in Early Child Care

In this workshop, we will examine the roles and responsibilities of childcare providers in preventing, recognizing, reporting, and responding to child abuse and neglect within the early child care setting.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator

SubjectsChild Development

LocationOn-Site | Zoom

Growing Bodies: Promoting Physical Development for School-Aged Children - CCDF 13 & 19

Growing Bodies: Promoting Physical Development for School-Aged Children - CCDF 13 & 19

In this 2-hour, on-demand training, early child care educators will learn the milestones of school-aged children's physical development and learn strategies for promoting healthy growth using PBS KIDS resources and activities.

Educator GradeK-2 Educator


Engaging Parents and Families for Children’s Positive Development- CCDF 16

Engaging Parents and Families for Children’s Positive Development- CCDF 16

In this 2-hour on-demand training, participants will learn how to build strong, positive relationships with parents, families, and communities in culturally and linguistically appropriate ways to support their children’s positive development.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator


Employee Retention: Building and Retaining a Healthy Working Environment - CCDF 18

Employee Retention: Building and Retaining a Healthy Working Environment - CCDF 18

Whether you are new to owning a child care center or an experienced center director, managing a child care program is challenging. It requires a considerable amount of planning, foresight, and effort to create and maintain a high-quality program. In this training, we will use the latest research and management data to improve staff retention, enhance program culture, promote staff wellness, and elevate staff and leadership efficacy to make your child care program shine even brighter.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator



Foundations of Health & Safety in Early Child Care

Foundations of Health & Safety in Early Child Care

Learn the best practices and standards for health and safety are the foundation of quality child care.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator


Fostering Healthy Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood

Fostering Healthy Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood

This 2-hour on-demand training explores the ways in which caregivers can make a positive, life-long impact on the children in their care.

Educator GradePreschool Educator

SubjectsChild Development


Read, Read, Read: The Importance of Reading to Young Children

Read, Read, Read: The Importance of Reading to Young Children

This free, 2-hour training also includes research-based guidelines for choosing developmentally appropriate books as well as literacy activities and resources.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator

SubjectsChild Development


Time to Sign: Fostering Communication Skills

Time to Sign: Fostering Communication Skills

This training explores early language development and communication skills starting at birth. In this training, participants will learn the benefits of sign language and how to use sign language in the early childhood environment to support infants’ and toddlers’ communication skills.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator

SubjectsChild Development | Early Literacy | Early Communication

LocationOn-Site | Zoom

Baby BootCamp

Baby BootCamp

Learn the importance of early brain development and simple ways to strengthen those connections.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator

SubjectsChild Development

LocationOn-Site | Zoom

Music to Our Ears: The Benefits of Music and Movement

Music to Our Ears: The Benefits of Music and Movement

How can music stimulate infants’ and toddlers’ development (cognitive, physical, and socio-emotional)? Learn in this on-demand training.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator

SubjectsChild Development


Addressing Homelessness: The Role of the Early Childhood Educator - CCDF 12

Addressing Homelessness: The Role of the Early Childhood Educator - CCDF 12

Better understand homelessness and its impact on a child's physical and mental development in this on-demand training.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator

SubjectsChild Development


Maintaining a Safe Child Care Setting: Ensuring Building & Hazardous Materials Safety - CCDF 5 & 8

Maintaining a Safe Child Care Setting: Ensuring Building & Hazardous Materials Safety - CCDF 5 & 8

This 2 -hour, on-demand training features health and safety guidelines for establishing and maintaining a safe child care setting, indoors and out.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator

SubjectsChild Development


STEM Day for Teachers: Conservation and Exploration of Mobile Bay

STEM Day for Teachers: Conservation and Exploration of Mobile Bay

Join us on Saturday, March 22nd, from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM at the Pelican’s Nest Science Lab for an exciting STEM Day for Teachers.

Educator GradeK-2 Educator | 3-5 Educator | 6-8 Educator | 9-12 Educator

SubjectsEnvironment | STEM


A STEM Day for Teachers | Day 2

A STEM Day for Teachers | Day 2

June 27, 2024 | 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Take a walk on the wildlife side as we discover ways to integrate wildlife and conservation into your classroom at Alabama Nature Center!

Educator Grade6-8 Educator | 9-12 Educator

SubjectsEnvironment | STEM


Best Practices for Language Acquisition: Read, Write, Talk, Sing & Play

Best Practices for Language Acquisition: Read, Write, Talk, Sing & Play

A growing body of research reveals just how important it is for infants and toddlers to be exposed to many forms of language including reading, writing, talking, singing, and playing starting at birth.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator

SubjectsChild Development | Reading


A STEM Day for Teachers | Day 1

A STEM Day for Teachers | Day 1

June 26, 2024 | 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Take a walk on the wildlife side as we discover ways to integrate wildlife and conservation into your classroom at Alabama Nature Center!

Educator Grade6-8 Educator | 9-12 Educator

SubjectsEnvironment | STEM


The Impact of Poverty in Early Childhood - CCDF 14

The Impact of Poverty in Early Childhood - CCDF 14

Childhood poverty is a tragic issue affecting over 11 million children in America. Children living in poverty experience a wide variety of risk factors, ranging from chronic health issues, and atypical brain development, to significant difficulties at school and beyond.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator

SubjectsCareer | Child Development | Mental Health


In Progress
Exploring Literacy Development with PBS Kids!

Exploring Literacy Development with PBS Kids!

February 3 - 24, 2025

Learn key literacy concepts with PBS KIDS in this facilitated course starting in February 2025.

Educator GradePreschool Educator

SubjectsChild Development | Early Literacy


Motions and Movement

Motions and Movement

Learn how preschoolers develop motor skills to make the connection between motions and movement.

Educator GradePreschool Educator

SubjectsChild Development

LocationOn-Site | Zoom

Attachment Styles: How to Bond with Babies

Attachment Styles: How to Bond with Babies

Learn the different attachment styles in this on-demand training.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator

SubjectsChild Development


Implementing Preschool STEM Practices Through Fairy Tales & Nursery Rhymes

Implementing Preschool STEM Practices Through Fairy Tales & Nursery Rhymes

In this two-hour on-demand course, participants will explore how to support STEM learning for preschoolers and use strategies and teaching practices to help preschoolers develop reasoning, creativity, problem-solving skills, and language and communication skills.

Educator GradePreschool Educator

SubjectsChild Development | STEM


Early Math Success: Essential Math Skills for Infants and Toddlers

Early Math Success: Essential Math Skills for Infants and Toddlers

Throughout this fun, informative training, you will learn tips, activities, and best practices for preparing the infants and toddlers in your care for academic success.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator

SubjectsChild Development


Kids and Allergies: What to Look For - CCDF 4

Kids and Allergies: What to Look For - CCDF 4

This 2-hour training will identify what to look for and how to treat common food and environmental allergies.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator


Bridging the Gap: Family Engagement

Bridging the Gap: Family Engagement

Let's learn how to connect and enhance our relationships with families during this in-person training.

Educator GradePreschool Educator

SubjectsChild Development | Early Communication

LocationOn-Site | Zoom

The Science of Reading for School-Aged Children

The Science of Reading for School-Aged Children

The Science of Reading (SoR) is the body of research defining the skills and levels of development needed for children to learn to read. The SoR will prepare a future generation of strong readers by focusing on five key elements of literacy.

Educator GradeK-2 Educator



Caring for Our Children: Managing Infectious Diseases & Safely Administering Medications - CCDF 1 & 3

Caring for Our Children: Managing Infectious Diseases & Safely Administering Medications - CCDF 1 & 3

This 2-hour on-demand training features health and safety guidelines for the prevention & control of infectious diseases as well as policies and procedures for administering medication in the child care setting.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator


Keeping Infants Safe: Prevention of Sudden Infant Death (SIDS) & Shaken Baby Syndrome in the Child Care Setting - CCDF 2 & 6

Keeping Infants Safe: Prevention of Sudden Infant Death (SIDS) & Shaken Baby Syndrome in the Child Care Setting - CCDF 2 & 6

In this 2-hour on-demand training, educators will learn rules and regulations to best provide a safe environment for infants to prevent SIDS and Shaken Baby Syndrome in the early childcare setting.

Educator GradeInfant and Toddler Educator


Building the Adults of Tomorrow: Supporting the Positive Development of School-Aged Children – CCDF 19

Building the Adults of Tomorrow: Supporting the Positive Development of School-Aged Children – CCDF 19

In this 2-hour, on-demand course, early childhood educators will learn the developmental milestones of school-aged children.

Educator GradeK-2 Educator

SubjectsChild Development


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Illustration of Teacher teaching a class.


These educational programs and services of Alabama Public Television made possible by the generous support of the following contributors:

Community Events & Engagement
  • Books-A-Million, Young Heroes
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama, Be My Neighbor Day/Young Heroes
  • Brookmont Capital Management, Young Heroes
  • C. W. Daniel Charitable Trust, Young Heroes
  • Medical Properties Trust, Young Heroes
  • Fred Rogers Productions/PNC, Be My Neighbor Day
  • WNET-CPB, Sesame Street in Communities
General Support
  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)
  • Public Broadcasting Services (PBS)
Learning Adventures
  • Alabama Bicentennial Commission
  • Alabama Humanities Foundation
    a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Alabama State Council on the Arts
    a state program of the National Endowment for the Arts
  • American Graduate
    a program of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
  • Daniel Foundation of Alabama
  • Malone Family Foundation
  • Robert Meyer Foundation
  • Sybil Smith Foundation
  • Troy Univiersity
  • U.S. Space & Rocket Center
  • Wells Fargo Foundation
Media Library
  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting, American Graduate
  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting, American Graduate, Getting To Work
PBS Kids Programs
  • Alabama Department of Human Resources
  • Alabama Power Company
  • Books-A-Million
  • Children’s of Alabama
  • HEAL United
  • Medical Properties Trust
  • U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Professional Development for Educators
  • Community Foundation of South Alabama, PBS KIDS EdCamp
  • Sybil Smith Foundation, PBS KIDS EdCamp
Workforce Development
  • CAWACO, Career Forward
  • Southeast Alabama Works, Career Forward

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