All Professional Development Trainings
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect in Early Child Care - CCDF 11
This professional development course is 'on-demand' and may be taken online. Use the information below to find out how to enroll.
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Infant and Toddler Educator | Preschool Educator | K-2 Educator
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In this on-demand, online course, participants will examine the roles and responsibilities of child care providers in recognizing, reporting, and responding to child abuse and neglect within the early child care setting. This course will provide an overview of prevention efforts, mandated reporting laws and responsibilities, as well as ways child care providers can care for and support children exhibiting symptoms of abuse.
Questions? Contact Early Childhood Online Training Specialist Kassia Mayo at [email protected].
Training Level: Basic
Target Age Group: All
Training Hours: 2
DHR Training Areas: HSUP, CCPF
CDA Subject Areas: 1, 3, 6
CKA Knowledge Areas: HSN, PPD
CCDF Training Areas: 6, 11
Quality Indicator: P: Training to Meet Minimum Standards
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