All Professional Development Trainings
Early Brain Development and the Lasting Importance of Caregiver-Child Relationships
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Educator Grade Level
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Awards Professional Development Hours
Class Dates
July 8-29, 2024
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The human brain is amazing, and the developing brain of an infant is even more phenomenal. Within the first years of life, the brain develops at a rapid pace that will never again be replicated. For example, 700-1000 new neural connections form in a baby’s brain every second. What does that mean for the child, and for your early child care program? During this 3-week online training, you will gain an understanding of the implications of this powerful process. Together, we will explore the mechanisms of brain development and explore the ways in which we can best support infants, toddlers, and preschoolers during this critical time of growth.
Training Hours: 15
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