Memorial Contributions
A donation to Alabama Public Television on behalf of another person can be a meaningful way to honor someone you love and respect. It’s a gift that continues to give and grow, touching tens of thousands of lives every day.
Suggested Obituary Language
If you would like to direct family and friends to make memorial gifts to Alabama Public Television, the following is suggested language for an obituary or other tribute:
In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to Alabama Public Television in memory of {deceased name} to provide our state with free access to programs that educate, inform and entertain. Send your gift to:
Alabama Public Television
2112-11th Ave S, Suite 400
Birmingham, Al. 35205
Make an Memorial or Honorarium Gift By Mail
If you would rather make your contribution by mail, please send the following to:
APT Membership Department
2112-11th Ave S,
Suite 400, Birmingham, Al. 35205
Accompanied by a letter stating your wish to make a memorial contribution.
In the letter, please provide:
• Your full name and Address
• The full name of the person you are memorializing
• Their past address
• The full name and address of the family member/s to be notified of the contribution.
For more information on Memorials or Honorariums, please contact Despina Vodantis
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