Trevor Reese Gravette
Benjamin Russell High School
Alexander City, Alabama
In his nomination, counselor Richard Burton explained that Trevor Gravette’s early life was marked by the pondering of personal decisions. “He knew that he wanted to go to college, but he did not know how he would be able to pay for it. He had no one in his immediate circle with whom he could talk. How would he get to college? How would he afford college? Was he smart enough? Was he good enough?”
A frightened, confused, two-year-old Trevor Gravette was taken from the custody of a drug-addicted mother and given to the care of a father he barely knew. When he turned eight, his father was sentenced to prison for a serious crime. Trevor’s paternal grandmother became his legal guardian. Over time, he came to refer to her as “Mom.” When Trevor reached the age of ten, his grandmother died of a massive heart attack. At age eleven, an aunt assumed responsibility for the young man, and then tragedy struck again. The aunt died of a sudden stroke. Trevor’s paternal grandfather is now his legal guardian.
“Trevor Gravette is a remarkable young man who has faced seemingly insurmountable odds,” wrote Mr. Burton. “Trevor turned to sports to find solace and solitude. His sports accomplishments include 6A Regional Champion Tennis Singles, 3rd Place 6A Regional Tournament Winner in Wrestling, and 6A State Qualifier Sectionals in Wresting. Trevor has served as captain of the tennis team and co-captain of the wrestling team.
Among his many accomplishments, Trevor most prizes his selection for a Navy ROTC scholarship. This scholarship will afford him the opportunity to attend the college of his choice. It covers books, fees and tuition for four years.
Trevor serves his community through the Relay for Life Cancer Walk, the First Baptist Church Mission Trip Project, and the Tuscaloosa Tornado Disaster Relief Project. He worked as a home volunteer for the Bill Nicholson Veterans.
Counselor Burton concluded by writing, “Trevor Gravette has managed to overcome so many obstacles in life. He has endured the storms. He has experienced the highs and lows…No matter the setback, no matter the life challenge, Trevor is a survivor. The odds were truly stacked against him. Homeless, fatherless, motherless and confused, Trevor could have easily ended up a sad statistic.”
But he did not. For his perseverance, courage and many other exemplary qualities, Trevor Gravette is recognized by his school and our state as one of the 2016 Young Heroes of Alabama.
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