Shannon Day
Glencoe High
Wellington, Alabama
Shannon, according to her teacher, “has had a long history of success…beginning her academic career with high marks and perfect attendance from kindergarten to ninth grade.” She will graduate with honors this Spring as an all-A student. Shannon is Vice President of the Beta Club, a University of North Alabama scholarship recipient, and Glencoe High SGA Chaplain. She is also a member of Glencoe High Literary Club and editor of the school’s yearbook. Not only is she an exemplary student, Shannon is also a model citizen. She is a member of the Glenco High School Junior Civitan Club, and volunteer with the Etowah County Special Olympics. Though these achievements are great accomplishments, Shannon’s most impressive project may be her founding of the James E. Day Foundation for Cancer Research, begun in memory of her late father. Plans are in the works for a benefit softball game, golf tournament, and pancake breakfast, with proceeds going to the Day Foundation. Shannon also makes bracelets and soaps whose sales benefit the Foundation. Teacher Donna Ingram says, “Shannon is truly a Young Hero in Glencoe, Alabama.”
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