Michael Tempero | Young Hero Award from Alabama Public Television

Michael Tempero

J.F. Shields High School

Beatrice, Alabama

In the letters that accompanied Michael Tempero’s nomination as a Young Hero, the writers repeatedly commented on the qualities of his character. Nominator Enoch Salter, a history teacher at J.F. Shields High School, wrote, “Before coming into the teaching field, I have never encountered a young person with so much courage, stability and patience.”

Teacher Sharrissa Cook said, “Michael is a young man with an exceptional personality and for Michael, failure or defeat is not an option—only motivation.”

Principal Marion McIntosh wrote, “If all the young men of the world were of Michael’s caliber, our future would certainly be in good hands.”

Like many others, Michael grew up in a family surviving on little income and, at times, no income. His teachers intervened when he was mocked and bullied for not having the financial resources of his classmates. Michael’s kindness to others masked struggles with domestic violence in his own home. “It was heartbreaking to hear that such a bright and kind student was going through that,” wrote Mr. Salter, “It was also surprising because Michael’s kind, disciplined and humble spirit remained the same.”

It was necessary for Michael to take on adult family responsibilities at a young age. In addition to his community and academic endeavors, he works weekends to help his family pay the bills. Despite these responsibilities, Michael maintains his grades and has earned much recognition for his performing excellence in all subjects. He is always on the A Honor Roll. He serves as the president of his class, as well as president of the Beta Club. Michael plays varsity basketball and belongs to many school organizations including the Spanish Club, Family Community Career Leadership America, and SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving.)

Among his many endeavors, Michael supports the community through volunteer work with the Red Cross and a local food bank. He serves as a volunteer tutor/mentor in his neighborhood. In fact, Michael has been honored with the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. He is an active member of his church. Mr. Salter wrote of him, “Michael is passionate about portraying humility, kindness and charity to others. He attributes these character traits to his strong faith and close relationship with God.”

Michael has expressed an interest in attending college to become a computer/electrical engineer. To this end, he was selected to attend the Nanoscience and Engineering Summer Internship at the University of Alabama the summer after his junior year of high school.

Young Hero Sponsors

The Young Heroes Program is made possible through the support of:

Derek Chen

Harris Trust


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These educational programs and services of Alabama Public Television made possible by the generous support of the following contributors:

Community Events & Engagement
  • Books-A-Million, Young Heroes
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama, Be My Neighbor Day/Young Heroes
  • Brookmont Capital Management, Young Heroes
  • C. W. Daniel Charitable Trust, Young Heroes
  • Medical Properties Trust, Young Heroes
  • Fred Rogers Productions/PNC, Be My Neighbor Day
  • WNET-CPB, Sesame Street in Communities
General Support
  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)
  • Public Broadcasting Services (PBS)
Learning Adventures
  • Alabama Bicentennial Commission
  • Alabama Humanities Foundation
    a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Alabama State Council on the Arts
    a state program of the National Endowment for the Arts
  • American Graduate
    a program of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
  • Daniel Foundation of Alabama
  • Malone Family Foundation
  • Robert Meyer Foundation
  • Sybil Smith Foundation
  • Troy Univiersity
  • U.S. Space & Rocket Center
  • Wells Fargo Foundation
Media Library
  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting, American Graduate
  • Corporation for Public Broadcasting, American Graduate, Getting To Work
PBS Kids Programs
  • Alabama Department of Human Resources
  • Alabama Power Company
  • Books-A-Million
  • Children’s of Alabama
  • HEAL United
  • Medical Properties Trust
  • U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Professional Development for Educators
  • Community Foundation of South Alabama, PBS KIDS EdCamp
  • Sybil Smith Foundation, PBS KIDS EdCamp
Workforce Development
  • CAWACO, Career Forward
  • Southeast Alabama Works, Career Forward

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