Lauren Faraino
Vestavia Elementary
Vestavia Hills, Alabama
“In order to be inspired by ten-year old Lauren Faraino, you need only be in the same room with her.” Lauren excels in every school activity, maintaining an A-average in every class. She also participates on her school’s Creative Problem Solving team. Academia is not the only area in which Lauren excels; she’s also a fantastic artist. Working with paints and pastels, Lauren creates beautiful pictures. In October, Lauren was the featured artist in her school’s art display. Her work has also been show at the Birmingham Museum of Art during their Very Special Arts Exhibition.
These accomplishments seem even more impressive, when you consider that Lauren has been denied use of her arms since birth. She zips through school in a motorized wheelchair, leaving her feet free for writing, painting, cutting and drawing. According to teachers, Lauren often amazes classmates as she discovers creative ways to participate in whatever the days activities happen to be. Above all, Lauren’s positive attitude may be her best attribute. One fifth grade teachers says, “Lauren so adeptly overcomes her handicap that classmates often forget that it exists…as her teacher, I am completely overwhelmed by her abilities. Lauren Faraino is truly a Young Hero!”
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