All Professional Development Trainings
Right on Time: Healthy Routines for the Early Childhood Classroom
This is a free training from Alabama Public Television. It is approximately two hours in length and is only available in-person at your workplace.
Educator Grade Level
Hours or Certification
Awards Professional Development Hours
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Caregivers | toddlers | infants
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Routines keep a successful classroom running smoothly, making for effective teaching, learning, and growing. In this two-hour training, we will explore how to create classroom routines to effectively care for infants and toddlers while maintaining the flexibility that this age group requires.
Training Level: Basic
Target Age Group: Infants and Toddlers
DHR Training Areas: CD
CDA Subject Areas: 1, 7
CKA Content Areas: LEE, PPD
CCDF Training Areas: 13, 20
Quality Indicator: C
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