Vienna Blood Season 4!

Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt and psychoanalyst Max Liebermann return to face the most dangerous case of their careers.


VIENNA BLOOD, the gripping crime drama set in 1900s Vienna, returns for its fourth season with a new four-part mystery. Starring Matthew Beard and Austrian Juergen Maurer, Season 4 of VIENNA BLOOD premieres on four consecutive Sundays, January 5-26.

Season 4 finds the unlikely detective duo in Vienna in 1909, where the double murder of a senior public official and an arms dealer in police custody has shaken the city to its core. Freudian psychoanalyst Max Liebermann (Beard) has only just returned from a lecture tour in America when Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt (Maurer) asks for help in what could be the most dangerous case of their careers.

Working together on an increasingly perilous investigation, Oskar and Max uncover a conspiracy that leads to the heart of the government. Can they stop the seditious mole known as “Mephisto” from destroying the Austro-Hungarian Empire? And will their lives ever be the same?


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