MAY 30, 2024
Alabama Public Television is one of three PBS affiliates to be awarded funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) to upgrade their equipment to provide enhanced emergency alerting. CPB awards the grants through the Next Generation Warning System (NGWS) grant program, funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Patricia Harrison, president and CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, made the announcement today.
Alabama Public Television will receive up to $529,558 to purchase hardware and software that will allow the state network to transition to the ATSC 3.0 broadcast standard. The upgrade to Next Gen TV will enable the network to broadcast emergency alerts, including live video, to targeted devices.
“Alabama Public Television has played a vital role in public safety in Alabama for decades,” says Wayne Reid, Executive Director of the state network. “Our microwave system is the backbone of the state’s Emergency Alert System (EAS), Amber Alerts and WARN alerts for cell phone users. The Next Generation Warning System grant program will allow us to replace and upgrade infrastructure to expand alert, warning, and interoperable communications, creating a more resilient and secure public alerting system to protect Alabama communities.”
In 2022, FEMA selected CPB to establish and administer the NGWS grant program to help public media stations across the country create a more resilient and secure public alerting system. The program funds public media stations to upgrade their equipment and receive training to enhance alerting and warning capabilities, including the ability to use NextGen TV broadcast technology and comparable digital broadcast technology for radio stations. The program prioritizes public media stations serving rural, Tribal, and underserved communities.
“FEMA is committed to building resilience by rapidly disseminating emergency communications to the public through diverse integrated pathways,” said FEMA IPAWS Director Manny Centeno. “FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) provides a suite of tools and resources for local authorities to effectively send emergency communications to the public. We continue developing the Next Generation Warning System concept as we improve continuity and leverage new technologies, such as ATSC 3.0, that can reach the public wherever they are.”
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