Birmingham Vegan Fest 2024
Sun, November 3 | 11 AM - 5PM
Cahaba Brewing Co.
Birmingham Vegan Fest will take place Sunday, November 3rd, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Cahaba Brewing Company, located at 4500 5th Avenue South. Entry is free and open to everyone, including health enthusiasts, foodies, the veg-curious, omnivores, and festival lovers. The event will feature a variety of food trucks and other food vendors, artists, apparel booths, plant-based health and beauty products, and more. Local DJ Dillon T. Spicer will provide music all day, and there will be drawings for exciting prizes every hour. Over 70 vendors have confirmed, making this Alabama’s largest “veg fest” ever, breaking the record set at the Spring 2024 Birmingham Vegan Fest, when more than 2,500 guests attended. Co-organizer Melinda Darby said, “With growing attendance and community enthusiasm each time we do the Vegan Fest, word has gotten out to vendors that this is the place to be. We love showcasing local businesses, plus it’s a chance for attendees to experience food we bring from outside Alabama.” Darby emphasized that past favorites will be there along with exciting new offerings, saying, “It’s a wide scope including Thai, Mexican, Chinese, Soul, Indian, and more. In addition to health-conscious whole-food plant-based options, we’ll have vegan comfort food such as pizza, pancakes, cookies, cobblers, dairy-free ice cream, ‘cheezcake,’ carrot dogs, plant-based ‘wingz,’ sandwiches, empanadas, beignets, and vegan seafood.” Birmingham Vegan Fest was created by Birmingham Vegans, a volunteer-run group committed to building the local vegan community since 2013. Anyone can join Birmingham Vegans’ 4,100 followers on Facebook and nearly 1,800 members on Meetup. Birmingham Vegans has hosted hundreds of gatherings highlighting vegan entrepreneurs, leaders, educators, and creators. The group has organized multiple festivals, held regular meetups at restaurants, hosted home potlucks, organized hiking and kayaking adventures, held picnics, conducted canned food drives, and featured chef demonstrations, vegan-themed films, and talks from authors. Learn more at bhamvegans.org and bhamvegans.com. Cahaba Brewing Company is excited to host Birmingham Vegan Fest again. In addition to being a spacious, premier festival venue, Cahaba is very supportive of the vegan community, and almost all its beers are vegan-friendly (exceptions are milk stouts and honey beers). Co-organizer Ned Freeman commented, “People are surprised and excited to see how much vegan energy there is around Birmingham. Having so much packed together at a single event makes a strong statement about how popular vegan food is becoming here.” Most vendors will accept cards or Venmo, but a handful are cash only. A full list of confirmed vendors is posted on the Facebook event page for Birmingham Vegan Fest Fall 2024.
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