Spotlight on Education
Ed Castile
Ed Castile is Deputy Secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce and director of AIDT Workforce Development. In this segment, Castile discusses Governor Kay Ivey’s Success Plus Plan to add 500,000 credentialed workers to Alabama's workforce by 2024.
April 13, 2020
Ed Castile is Deputy Secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce and director of AIDT Workforce Development. In this segment, Castile discusses Governor Kay Ivey’s Success Plus Plan to add 500,000 credentialed workers to Alabama's workforce by 2024 as well as Alabama’s workforce development initiatives and apprenticeships that seek to connect students to career pathways that follow their interests. He also shares information about federal funding opportunities and the newly established Alabama Office of Apprenticeships, just signed into law in June 2019.
Following a successful six-year initiative, American Graduate, focused on increasing the high school graduation rate in Alabama, Alabama Public Television and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), launched a new phase of this project in 2018 called American Graduate: Getting to Work. APT is partnering with schools and businesses to help prepare students with the skill sets and training needed to be part of the new workforce, especially in high-demand fields. An extensive set of resources can be found at Included on the website are videos about students who have found their way to careers thanks to various innovative school programs, job apprenticeships, and other career training.
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