All Professional Development Trainings
Using Media in STEM (TEAMS Training Session #2)
This training is currently over, enrollment is no longer possible. Please visit our professional development listings for more opportunities.
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K-2 Educator | 3-5 Educator | 6-8 Educator | 9-12 Educator
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Oct 8, 2024 | 4 - 5:00 pm
Creating and Consuming Media in your STEM Classroom (TEAMS)
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Students are creating and consuming media every day, so how can you utilize media in the best way for instruction in your STEM classroom During this professional development series, we'll examine ways to utilize consuming media and begin creation of media projects. Find out how you can create a variety of media to teach STEM concepts and guide students in their own media creation. We'll use technology that is easily accessible and easy to use. You can sign up for any number of sessions you wish-just one or all four.
Integrate media into your lessons using PBS LearningMedia. Explore time-saving features like favoriting, sharing, and creating custom lessons. Blend media into popular platforms like Google, Microsoft, Padlet, and Quizizz.
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