Early Childhood Learning

Early Childhood Learning

Activities, workshops, and online resources for educators of young children.


Trusted resource that's filled with information on child development and early learning.
Adult Learners

Adult Learners

GED Training, Workplace Essential Skills, and links to career-development resources.
Professional Development

Professional Development

APT Education offers free training for child care providers, educators and parents.
Alabama Legacy Moments

Alabama Legacy Moments

Alabama Legacy Moments commemorates the Alabama Bicentennial with 200 distinctive short videos about the people, places and stories that have defined Alabama.
American Graduate

American Graduate

Learn about Alabama's high-demand careers that don't require a 4-year degree and the pathways to attain them.
Learning Adventures

Learning Adventures

Each school year, Alabama Public Television produces one or more Learning Adventures. These webcasts are designed to be live-streamed at specific, scheduled times, and feature interactivity.