Donate to Alabama Public Television
Combo 2: Reconstruction: America After the Civil War
Combo 2: Three 2-DVD Sets + Two Hardcover Books: 2 DVD Set: Reconstruction-America After the Civil War + 2 Hardcover Books: Reconstruction-America After the Civil War + Hardcover Book-Stony the Road by Henry Louis Gates Jr. + Hardcover Book Dark Sky Rising: Reconstruction and the Dawn of Jim Crow by Henry Louis Gates Jr. with Tonya Bolden + 2 DVD Set-The African Americans Many RIvers to Cross + 2 DVD Set Black American Since MNLK And Still I Rise
Minimum Donation: $360.00 or $30.00 Monthly
Shipping and Handling: $7.00
Total: $367.00
Give online using the form below or call Member Services at (205) 328-8756 or (800) 239-5233. For premiums/gift info use extension 0136, for contributions use extension 1689.
Select a different thank-you gift or have 100% of my contribution to go to APT.
Due to a heavy backlog of packages experienced by the postal service, delivery of thank you gifts could be delayed between 6 to 8 weeks. APT mails tickets 2-3 weeks prior to the concert date to avoid lost or misplaced tickets. Thank you for your patience.
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