May 1 and 2 we’re challenging our supporters like you to help us raise $5,000 in support of Public Media Giving Days.
Viewers like you make Alabama a better place by caring enough to help produce quality television for everyone. APT uses gifts from viewers to create programs that educate, inform, and delight in ways no other television programs or stations can.
Your gift NOW will help bring more great programs to television. Even more important, you will have a significant impact on APT’s financial future.
As America’s first educational television network, APT continues to create boundless new opportunities for Alabamians of all ages to share their stories and explore the world around them. APT provides vital services to the people of Alabama that are available nowhere else. From award-winning interactive learning adventures to hands-on activities for pre-school, APT is a 24/7 hub of activity for teachers, students, and parents.
Want to help APT even more? Tell your friends and family what APT means to you and ask them to join you in donating to APT and helping us reach our $5,000 goal! Whether you contributed during Public Media Giving Days or at some time before, share that fact on social media, text a friend, or start a conversation around the water cooler - whatever works for you! Share the hashtag #PublicMediaGives.
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