CARL THE COLLECTOR is a 2D animated series for children ages 4-8 that follows the everyday adventures of Carl, a warm-hearted autistic raccoon who enjoys collecting things and loves his friends and family in Fuzzytown. Carl pays extraordinarily close attention to detail and comes up with unique ideas that others might not consider. These traits have helped him amass his extensive collections—from autographs and bottle caps to fake mustaches, pet rocks, sweaters, and virtually everything in between—which can come in handy for solving problems around the neighborhood with his friends.
Created by New York Times bestselling illustrator and author Zachariah OHora (“My Cousin Momo”), the series breaks new ground as the first PBS KIDS show to feature central characters on the autism spectrum. Through its relatable stories, characters, and messages, and with a production team that includes neurodiverse writers, production staff, animators, advisors, and voice talent, CARL THE COLLECTOR showcases and celebrates our differences and commonalities, and that we all have something unique to offer. The series is produced by Fuzzytown Productions and Spiffy Pictures and premieres November 14 on APT HD at 11:30am , on the PBS KIDS Channel at 10:00am, and on the PBS Kids App.
“By portraying a close group of neurodivergent and neurotypical friends, CARL THE COLLECTOR models how all of us can be helpful, supportive and appreciative of each other’s ways of thinking,” said Sara DeWitt, Senior Vice President and General Manager, PBS KIDS. “We are thrilled to introduce Carl, his friends, and his amazing collections to young audiences and help them build the social skills they will need as they make friends and engage in their communities.”
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