A thrilling new six-part series premiering this month takes viewers to Botswana’s wild Okavango Delta where a team of local and international filmmakers use the latest filming technology to follow lions, leopards and cheetahs to reveal the lives of big cats like never before.
BIG CATS 24/7 captures these animal’s battle to survive through dramatic changes within their families and their home. An elite camera team including wildlife cinematographers Gordon Buchanan, Vianet Djenguet and Anna Dimitriadis, led by Brad Bestelink and his local camera team, documents the dramatic lives of individual lions, cheetahs and leopards for six months, over two extreme seasons.
Filming from the ground, the air and through the night in an area unvisited by tourists, the BIG CATS 24/7 team works together to follow the cats’ lives around the clock while forming unique bonds along the way. A revolution in low light camera technology enables the filmmaking team to capture previously unseen behavior at night, while cutting-edge drones are able to track the big cats’ movements like never before, as they battle for supremacy in a brutal and unforgiving environment.
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